React Props & State Exercise 1 – Props

React is a JavaScript library for building dynamic websites. It works by reacting to changes in the data, and making changes in what the user sees based on those changes. The data it reacts to are called props and state.

Props – Input data to the component

State – Internal state data of the component

Set Up

To get ready, clone this repository to your computer:

You can clone it using git with this command:

git clone

Open the props-and-state-practice folder in Visual Studio Code.

Open a terminal in this folder (Ctrl + ` or Terminal > New Terminal)

Install the dependencies that are in the package.json file, with this command:

npm install

Exercise 1: Class Components

Expand the src folder, then the exercise-1-class folder.

In this folder there are two class components, the App component and the Contact component.

Set Up

We need to make sure our index.js is using the App component in this folder. Open index.js in the src folder, and make sure that the import for Exercise 1: Class Component is uncommented:

// Exercise 1: Class Components
import App from './exercise-1-class/App';

All the other App imports should be commented out.

The Goal

We want our Contact component to be able to show information about any contact. We need it to work dynamically and react to input data that another component gives it.

For example, the App component has an example contact

const chidi = {
	firstName: "Chidi",
	lastName: "Anagonye",
	phone: "555-366-8987",
	address: "St. John's University, Sydney, Australia"

Our App component should give this contact to our Contact component and the Contact component should display it like this:


How do I get the contact data from the App component to the Contact component?

If you have data in a parent component that you need in a child component, you can pass it as a prop to that component.

In the parent component, you pass props to a child component like this:

<ChildComponent nameOfProp={dataToPutInTheProp} />

How do I use the contact data in the Contact component?

In a class component, you can access any prop using:


If you passed an object in as the data to put in the prop, you can access properties on that object like this:


How many props & state properties should I use here?

I used one prop and zero state properties. At this point we don’t need any state, and we only need one prop, because the entire contact object can be passed as one prop.

I need more help. What might it look like to get the contact data to the Contact component?

I passed the contact data to the Contact component using a prop called contact. It looked like this

<Contact contact={chidi} />

I need more help. What might it look like to show the first name in the Contact component?

I passed the contact data to the Contact component using a prop called contact. So I used it to show the first name like this:

<h5 class="card-title">{}</h5>

Exercise 1: Functional Components

Expand the src folder, then the exercise-1-functional folder.

In this folder there are two functional components, the App component and the Contact component.

Set Up

We need to make sure our index.js is using the App component in this folder. Open index.js in the src folder, and make sure that the import for Exercise 1: Functional Component is uncommented:

// Exercise 1: Functional Components
import App from './exercise-1-functional/App';

All the other App imports should be commented out.

The Goal

Just like with the class component version, we want our Contact component to be able to show information about any contact. We need it to work dynamically and react to input data that another component gives it.

For example, the App component has an example contact

const chidi = {
	firstName: "Chidi",
	lastName: "Anagonye",
	phone: "555-366-8987",
	address: "St. John's University, Sydney, Australia"

Our App component should give this contact to our Contact component and the Contact component should display it like this:


How do I get the contact data from the App component to the Contact component?

If you have data in a parent component that you need in a child component, you can pass it as a prop to that component.

In the parent component, you pass props to a child component like this:

<ChildComponent nameOfProp={dataToPutInTheProp} />

How do I use the contact data in the Contact component?

In a functional component, you need to add a props parameter to your component function:

export default function Contact(props) {

Then you can access any prop using:


If you passed an object in as the data to put in the prop, you can access properties on that object like this:


You can also use object destructuring to streamline accessing a prop:

export default function Contact({ nameOfProp }) {

Then you can access the prop in the functional component using:


If you passed an object in as the data to put in the prop, you can access properties on that object like this:


How many props & state properties should I use here?

I used one prop and zero state properties. At this point we don’t need any state, and we only need one prop, because the entire contact object can be passed as one prop.

I need more help. What might it look like to get the contact data to the Contact component?

I passed the contact data to the Contact component using a prop called contact. It looked like this

<Contact contact={chidi} />

I need more help. What might it look like to show the first name in the Contact component?

I passed the contact data to the Contact component using a prop called contact. Without object destructuring of the props, I’d display it like this:

<h5 class="card-title">{}</h5>

With object destructuring of the props, I’d display it like this:

<h5 class="card-title">{contact.firstName}</h5>

Next Exercise

Are you ready for the next exercise? Head on over to Exercise 2!


Were you able to get all the exercises working? Do you understand how to use props and state a little better?

2 thoughts on “React Props & State Exercise 1 – Props

  1. Mahmoud Ektefaie says:

    Nice and simple explanations!
    Helped me better understand the simple connection between the parent and child class/functional components.

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